President Ronald Reagan is the first President to increase the National Debt by more than $100 Billion in one year!President Ronald Reagan is the first President to increase the National Debt by more than $200 Billion in one year!President George H.W. Bush is the first President to increase the National Debt by more than $300 Billion in one year!President George H.W. Bush is the first President to increase the National Debt by more than $400 Billion in one year!President George W. Bush is the first President to increase the National Debt by more than $500 Billion in one year!President George W. Bush has increased the National Debt by more than $500 Billion AGAIN! Almost hits $600 Billion!President George W. Bush has increased the National Debt by more than $500 Billion a THIRD time!President George W. Bush has increased the National Debt by more than $500 Billion a FOURTH time!President George W. Bush has increased the National Debt by more than $500 Billion a FIFTH time!
This is a very nifty chart here showing the fantastic growth in the debt, mostly under republican presidents. Really. Look. http://www.lafn.org/gvdc/Natl_Debt_Chart.html
They even address republicans complaints about the graph, eg., Congress was not majority republican under Reagan (false). What this chart tells me is that the silly 'tax cuts generate revenue', 'trickle down, 'supply-side' GOP nonsense theories of economics cause huge deficits and debt growth that they then scream about while also screaming about the taxes that will be necessary to pay for that redistribution of wealth upwards. Why do the names of their preferred, help the rich get richer theory keep changing? As each name is discredited by real life failure, they change the name to keep their base faithful believers, despite evidence to the contrary? I wonder what help-the-rich-get-richer policies will be called next?